January 18, 2001

City To Hold Second Hearing For Roundabout

The City of Manhattan will hold another workshop for the Kimball Avenue and North Manhattan Avenue roundabout. The meeting will be
Tuesday, January 23 at 5:00 p.m. in the City Commission Room of City Hall.

The Kansas Department of Transportation has offered a grant and recommends the construction of a modern roundabout. The City has
indicated a desire to look at all feasible alternatives, including a conventional traffic signal, and a grade separated intersection.

In a news release the City said "Your participation in the workshop will assist in the selection by the City Commission of a sound and
informed decision in February.

Free Press Note:

You can go to this meeting but the decision to put in a stupid round thing has already been made. At the meeting on January 9th cost for a
stupid round thing was put at $1.4 million, a stop light was listed at $1.9 million and the "Separated intersection" bridge was over $4 million.

At the Tuesday meeting you will be placed at five or six tables with one staff person. It is their job to turn your objections into a positive.
You will move to each table or the staff person will move. Each will discuss different aspects of the intersection.

At the end someone will get up and ask of all of the "ideas." It will be turned into a strong showing for the stupid round things.

At the February meeting the City Commissioners will say that because of the difference in cost and the fact that KDOT wants a roundabout
they must vote for it.

And then we will live with it.