06 January 2000

Estimated Economic Influence Given To City Commission

This is a letter from General Aviation Training and Testing Service, Inc. given to the Manhhattan City
Commission Tuesday:

GATTS is a privately held corporation with offices and training facilities located at the Manhattan Regional Airport. All
stockholders and employees of the corporation reside in the Manhattan area.

GSTTS provides advanced training for pilots and contract testing for the Federal Aviation Administration. The vast majority
of GATTS clients (98%) reside outside of the State of Kansas. Most of the revenues generated by GATTS and it's clients
are brought into the Manhattan area from outside of the State, and remain in the area.

Te following are examples of the 1999 revenues disbursed in the Manhattan Area.

Manhattan Regional Airport and City of Manhattan:

Hangar and Facility rents: $22,400

Aircraft service and maintenance: $76,000

Sub Total $98,400

Local support businesses:

Lodging: $78,000

Transportation: $45,000

Food service and entertainment $63,000

Business support: $15,400

Sub Total $201,400

Wages and Salaries:

Manaagement and Staff: $397,800

Sub Total $397,800

Expenses and Disbursements: $338,400

(Payments to investors)

Gross Estimated Regional

Economic Contribution: $1,036,000
