November 18, 1999

Commission Approves Pay Increase

November 16, 1999
FROM: Cathy Harmes, Director of Human Resources
MEETING:November 16, 1999
SUBJECT: First Reading of 2000 Salary Ordinance
PRESENTER: Cathy Harmes, Director of Human Resources
Each year, according to State law, the City Commission must pass a Salary
Ordinance.   The Salary Ordinance for employees of the City of Manhattan
relates to the adoption of a Pay Plan, according to the City's pay
classification system, providing the salaries for classified, unclassified,
and seasonal/temporary employees.  On December 1, 1998, the City Commission
approved Salary Ordinance No. 6047 establishing a new range of salaries
   for  City employees which became effective on December 13, 1998.  On
February 2, 1999, the City Commission approved an amendment to the
Memorandum of Agreement between the City and Local 2275 International
Association of Fire Fighters, Article 7-Wages, implementing a 3.0% increase
at the beginning of 1999 with a 3.0% midyear increase.  Also approved for
the collective bargaining unit were          a 3.0% increase in December
1999 and a 3.0% increase in June 2000.  The proposed 2000 Salary
Ordinance serves as the basis               for maintaining policies and
   guidelines to administer the City's Pay Plan.  It reflects fiscal policy
to be followed in allocating the cost of salaries in the City's fiscal
The proposed 2000 Salary       Ordinance sets forth salary increases to be
effective for the         2000 fiscal year. The proposed 2000 Salary
Ordinance reflects revisions in established pay        grades and salary
ranges and        modifies the City's Salary Administration Policy and
Guideline for classified positions. There are         two elements included
in the           2000 Salary Ordinance. The first element  provides a 3.0%
economic adjustment to increase established pay grades and salary ranges in
the classified pay structure to reflect changes in the Consumer Price
Occupational and Wage Index.  This is consistent with the 3.0% adjustment
as outlined in of the Memorandum of Agreement between the City and Local
2275 International Association of Fire Fighters approved by the City
Commission on February 2, 1999.
The second element included in the 2000 Salary Ordinance is the performance
evaluation system.  Evaluation dates for 2000 merit increases will be on
employees' anniversary dates of employment, or in cases in which an
employee has been promoted, on the anniversary date in the newly promoted
position. City Administration recommends merit increases for 2000 annual
performance evaluations, based on a rating scale of 0% - 2.5%.
The 2000 Salary Ordinance maintains the pay rates for members of Local 2275
International Association of Fire Fighters as those established through the
collective bargaining process pursuant to law.
It appears that the Commission has the following alternatives concerning
the issue at hand.  The Commission may:
1. Approve first reading of the 2000 Salary Ordinance.
2.Deny first reading of the 2000 Salary Ordinance.
3.Modify the ordinance to meet the needs of the City Commission.
4.Table the issue.
City Administration recommends approval of the first reading of the 2000
Salary Ordinance to establish a new range of salaries for City employees.
Approve first reading of an ordinance establishing the 2000 salary ranges
for City employees.