November 25, 1999

Register Of Deeds Puts Plats On CD's

The Riley County Register of Deeds has recently made plats available on CD
for use in a variety of applications.  Over 1,000 plat drawings have been
scanned and saved as multi-page TIF pages.  The TIF format allows clean,
high-quality output from laser printers.  The CD format provides easy
access to plat documents for all customers.  The scanned images allow users
to preference plats to compile parcel information (i.e. street widths, lot
structure, and annotation source, etc.)
A Scanned Plat Viewer (SPV) is also available at the Register of Deeds
office.  The SPV provides a map of Riley County used for locating a
subdivision by map browsing, identification query, or specific scanned TIF
images named with a subdivision identification. The selected TIF image can
be viewed, printed, and integrated into a database that can be cross
referenced with other county agencies.
Electronic access to plats speeds up processing, and allows engineers,
technicians, supervisors and administrators to quickly obtain the data
needed without a special trip to the courthouse.  Plat information is used
by county agencies to plan, layout, and inventory signs  and traffic
control devices; locate, analyze and permit new entrances; locate drainage
structures and waterways; locate and permit utilities in subdivision
easements; determine property ownership boundaries, build locator maps,
plan snow removal and maintenance routes; and develop project overlays for
public presentations.
The new digital format provides clearer images than those previously
available on microfilm.  The CDs also increase the level of customer
service, provide more cross referenced information, and shorten the time
required to obtain information from the Register of Deeds. The new digital
format is the result of a joint effort between the Register of Deed office
and the Riley County Geographic Information Systems Division.
The technology was made available as the result of a combined effort of
several county agencies.  The entire project cost under $10,000 to