County Commissioners Look At Carryover

The Riley County Commission wanted to know why the 2000 money carried over to 2001 was less than other years, so they had Corey Swisher from the Budget Committee come in and explain.

The 2000 Caryover was $2.4 million. In the past it has been as high as $3.8 million. Swisher told the Commission that money had been transfer and then spent by the Commission.

Here is his report:


The commission has requested a report explaining why the anticipated cash carryover is anticipated to be higher in FY2001 than in FY2000. The predominant reasons for this shortfall are as follows and total $1,001,117:

* $560,000 transfer from the County Road and Bridge Department into the Capital Improvement Fund. The commission approved this transfer from the Road and Bridge Department in the General Fund into the CIP Fund in order to finance various Road and Bridge projects and equipment purchases, i.e. - asphalt oil distributor and the College Avenue improvement project.

* $300,000 transfer from County General Services Department into the Bond & Interest Fund. The transfer was to necessary to make $289,037 available to the Bond & Interest Fund for the September FY2000 debt service payment.

* Greater occurrence of department budget overruns in FY2000:

Attorney $25,532

Administrative Services $7,082

Coroner $8,755

Youth Task Force $645

Juvenile Intake $26,152

Community College ODT$46,393

Information Systems $24,445

Noxious Weed $2,116

Total $141,117 Over Budget

FY2001 carryover estimate provided in Attachment A.

Facilities Inspection:

Rehabilitation and restoration of the County’s infrastructure and existing facilities continue to be major themes of commission discussion. This coincides with the County’s continued commitment to rehabilitate or restore existing infrastructure, including investment in major maintenance projects. Given the large number of aging facilities maintained by Riley County, and the cost associated with maintaining these buildings and structures, the budget committee recommends that a comprehensive facilities evaluation be undertaken. Public Works Director Dan Harden suggests that the architectural firm of McMillan & Assoc. be contracted to perform this task. Items to be investigated are mandated ADA facility modifications, maintenance needed to continue the use of existing facilities, and cost-saving investments. Preliminary costs for this endeavor are anticipated to be $15,000. Good planning is a dynamic process and begins with the best available information. Analyzing the county’s facilities preservation needs and subsequently incorporating them into a coordinated maintenance program will allow for improved capital planning as well as lessen the frequency of unforeseen expenditures.

FY2002 County Building Fund Maintenance Budget provided in Attachment B.