December 7, 2000

No TIF Plans For School District's Land

By Jon A. Brake

The City and the Developer of a new Eastside Business Park TIF District do not have plans for the School District's Bus Barn and Central

The Manhattan School District received a letter from Manhattan City Manager Ron Fehr dated November 22 in which he said: "City
Administration would like to take this opportunity to reiterate to the Board of Education and School District Administration that neither the
City nor the Developer plan to redevelop any of the School District's property that lies within the boundaries of the Eastside Business Park
Tax Increment Financing District. The City is certainly aware of the great importance those facilities hold for the School District and will not
interfere with the School District's property."

It was a surprise to many that the District's property was included inside the TIF footprint in the first place. Manhattan Attorney Joe Knopp
told the Free Press Wednesday that as long as the property is included in the TIF District it can be taken at a later date. A new City Manager
or City Commission could add the property to the project.

Fehr went on to tell the Board: "As you are aware, upon passing these ordinances it begins a 30-day review period during which the School
Board and Riley and Pottawatomie County Commissions may take action making the finding that the establishment of the districts would
create an adverse effect on their particular jurisdiction. Other options available to the governmental entities include taking no action or taking
action in favor of creation of the districts."