County Road And Bridge Money: Now You See It, Now You Don't


By Jon A. Brake

They are good planners...very good planners but the Riley County Commission has a hard time spending money on Roads and Bridges...a very hard time

Look at the December 30, 1999 minutes of the Commission, $561,197.93 was left in the Road and Bridge operating fund. The Commission voted to move the money to the Capital CIP Budget to be used for the following project:

"$200,000 for the rehabilitation or reconstruction of the Welsh Bridge."

"$130,000 for the purchase of an oil distributor."

"$231,197.93 to overlay the west six miles of the Green Road."

They did end up spending $90,000 on an oil distributor but two years later the Welsh Bridge has not been repaired and the Green Road has not received the overlay.

The Commission is good at planning. New Road Way Construction, Bridge Replacement, Asphalt overlay, and Culvert Replacement are in the planning stages. In all 21 items costing more than $15 million are in the CIP for 2005.

What has been planned for 2002? Nothing. What has been planned for 2003? Nothing. What has been planned for 2004? Nothing.

Riley County does not need a 1/2 Cent Sales Tax. They need a better plan.