Political Group Want UN Flag To Stay

A local political group known for their views from the left has taken up the UN Flag as a new cause.

An e-mail has been sent to members asking them to e-mail the City Manager and the City Commission.

The e-mail states: "How can anyone argue with the words in the Charter of the UN "to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war.. ‘’ and "to practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbors....."

And then it state: "In the late 80’s, over 600 organizations and individuals sent letters of strong support for flying the flag at City Hall and/or the County. We believe that the UN flag sends a welcome to the many international persons and organizations in our community and extends to them the hand of friendship."

And then the call for action: "We ask that you send a note to Ron Fehr and all the commissioners (especially Taussig) in support of the UN and its flag. Here are their e-mail addresses:

EdKlimek     klimek@ci.manhattan.ks.us,

Roger Reitz   reitz@ci.manhattan.ks.us,

Bruce Snead    bsnead@oz.oznet.ksu.edu,

Mark Taussig    taus@ksu.edu,

Brad Everett    everettbk@aol.com