Q & S Windrose Ranch sires are from top Bolivian, Chilean, Peruvian,

and North American lineages.

AnotherTreasured Stud:

LOM Heritage

L W Blue Boy

was full Bolivian from L W Willie K x L W Blue Willow. His fiber had an absolutely gorgeous blue hue; his conformation and disposition were equally as fine. Blue Boy's offspring are proving the excellence of the bloodline. Deceased



is a full Chilean from Macho Blanco of Tunitas x C4 Caprice P9260. Excellent conformation - long, straight lines - long neck, large size, straight legs, and what a set of ears! This herd sire has it all with an abundant wool of high quality silky crimped fiber and magnificent silver color. SOLD

And Windrose's pride and joy - Blue Boy's son,


This exceptional male sports his Full Bolivian heritage in every detail. From LW Blue Boy x Bo-Quinta, he is definitely the future of our herd. He has exceptional presence, walking around Windrose with a proud athletic bearing - our dams are usually quite impressed. His beautiful silky fleece shows the fine blue sheen of his father. He has a great disposition and we are truly proud of this herd sire.

He is presently available for selected outside breedings.


is a proven Full Bolivian dam whose sweet disposition mirrors that of our herd in general and whose off-spring are some of our most prized animals. Bo-Quinta would get an A+ in anyone's book for style, presence, conformation, bone, and fiber.

And look what a proud Mom!...

Some dozing docile dams...how about that for "llamalliteration"? <grin>

These are only a few of our treasures.
We invite you
to contact us
to arrange a tour
or request our llama breeding services and sales.

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Last updated March 10, 2008.