The Fugitive Slave Law was passed just eight years ago; bad news for you and your small group who just managed a narrow escape from slavery’s doorsteps in Missouri . Alas, you thought your adventure was over now that you are in Kansas. You now are going to carefully navigate your way through to get your passengers to Canada on the Underground Railroad.

Richard Pitts, Executive Director of the Wonder Workshop, proudly presents a journey back in time to Underground Railroad sites in Riley and Wabaunsee Counties . This tour will travel to various sites within fifteen miles of Manhattan , Kansas .

At each site, (there will be seven stops made on this tour) participants will be presented with information regarding its historical significance. You should plan to spend at least 3 ½ hours to complete the entire route.

Travelers will learn about the famous Beecher Bible and Rifle Church , Captain Mitchell, Strong Farm, Reverend Blood, and others who helped to make Kansas a free state ! Your group will take part in interactive activities along the way.

This adventure will place you in the shoes of enslaved Africans, Slave Owners, and Abolitionists as you learn about the true meaning of strength, courage, and endurance experienced by those early “Human Rights” activists whose broad shoulders we all stand on!

To book a tour for your group contact us
Please call for pricing.