Web Kansas.Net
Billing Information PDF Print Email

Forms of Payment

KansasNet accepts personal and business checks, cash, money orders, cashier's checks, and credit card. We accept Visa, MasterCard & Discover for automatic credit card payments.  KansasNet accepts payments in person, cash, check, or credit card at our payment locations.  We have a drop box at our Manhattan location at 531 Fort Riley Blvd.

Activation Periods (Your Start Date and End Date)

We will have your account activated in our system within about an hour of signing up if you subscribe via phone or in person at our central location. Online sign-ups will be processed within 1 business day.

The start date of your activation period is the same day you sign up. The activation period for services begins on your start date and ends on the last day of the last month for which the term is activated. A new activation period will begin on the first day of the next month following the end of the current activation period when payment is received for renewal of services.


Customers may cancel service in a large variety of ways. We ask that you state the reason why you are canceling at that time. Note that we will NOT prorate or refund any remaining time or fraction of any pre-paid current activation period, whether it be a month or year.

You can:

  • FAX (785) 776-1633. Please make sure that you include your real name and username.

  • Mark CANCEL on your next email bill and return it via U.S. postal mail.

  • Email billing@ with your full name, account username, and reason for canceling. You MUST be connected to KansasNet's network and send from your email address. Your cancellation request will be rejected if you send email from another network, or from an address which is not your address; this is because we are unable to verify the authenticity of cancellations requests sent in that manner.

  • Come in to our Manhattan store and fill out our Internet cancellation form.

We do not accept phone cancellations.

Non-AutoDebit Subscribers who pay on a per term basis regularly, such that charges are not automatically deducted from the credit card, checking, or banking account, or such that charges are NOT billed out via U.S. Mail, are not required to fill out a cancellation form. Failure to renew services by the end of the next activation period will result in automatic termination of those services.

Please allow up to 20 days for processing of your request. Wireless, Web hosting, and other, term commitment customers If you are committed to a service term with KansasNet, make sure that you consult your agreement before filling out this form. Filling out this form establishes that you wish to cancel service, and accept any penalty fines that may be in your agreement.

KansasNet requires at 20-day notice for all auto-debit cancellations and for services for which charges are invoiced directly via U.S. Mail. Please print, fill out, and return the cancellation form 20-days prior to the first day of the next activation period. There are NO REFUNDS to subscribers who provide notice to cancel services for an activation period, in which services have already been billed/invoiced. The current account period will continue, but we will cease billing and charging you for future periods. If you would like to know your discontinuation date, please state so when canceling. Our Billing Department will notify you of this information by email only.

Download KansasNet Cancellation Form (PDF format)


KansasNet may provide a refund in the case of a possible billing error.

Note that we will NOT prorate or refund any remaining time or fraction of any pre-paid current activation period, whether it be a month or year.

For Auto-debit customers, or customers who are invoiced directly via U.S. Mail: Notices to cancel services received later than 20-days before the first day of the next activation period may result in a $3.00 processing fee and an additional $4.00 fee if a refund is to be given for the next activation period for which charges to your account have already been invoiced or processed.

There are NO REFUNDS to subscribers who provide notice to cancel services for a current activation period, in which services have already been utilized by the subscriber during that activation period.


Our most popular form of payment is direct credit card debiting or direct checking account debiting (ACH). On the first of every month, we will automatically debit your credit card or checking account without sending you a reminder notice via email. This method of payment is very convenient and has the least risk of your account being accidentally shut off for late payments.  In some areas, signing up on our auto-debit program will allow you a reduction in service costs.

In order to sign-up for automatic credit or debit card payments, or checking or savings account withdrawal, you MUST complete and return to us the appropriate Auto-debit form available for download below:
Auto-Debit Authorization for Automatic Credit/Debit Card Payments (PDF Format)

Generally, if your credit card expires, we will try the same card with a later year. If your card has been declined, we will send you a notice via e-mail.  If we haven't heard from you within 7 days we will deactivate your account until you can provide us with new credit card information or send us another form of payment.

There is a $32 service charge on all returned checks, and any and all returned checks will be referred to a collection agency.  Insufficient funds on ACH payment drafts from your bank will result in a $20 processing fee.

KansasNet currently does not provide any sort of receipts or statements for auto-debit credit card charges. If you need receipts or statements you will need to change your billing to check payments.

KansasNet requires a 20-day notice on all auto-debit cancellations.  Please read the section "Canceling" for more information.  Download KansasNet Cancellation Form (PDF format)

If you are an established business you may request to receive a monthly bill.

What happens if you pay late

Billing costs and management represent a significant operating expense for KansasNet.  In order to keep billing costs low, we operate our billing and credit under very strict terms and penalties.

KansasNet sends an email reminder out on or around the 20th of each month for payments due.

Accounts not paid by the 5th of the month will be suspended until payment is received.

Customers who pay late will very likely lose access for those days. We do not make exceptions for this. If you mailed a check late and found your account suspended, you must provide a credit card for instant reactivation. The check we receive will serve as a credit towards the following period. Communications that 'the check is in the mail' will be ignored.

Unpaid accounts up to 60 days will result in account suspension.  Unpaid accounts after 60-days will result in account termination.  Suspension results in deactivating your account until payment has been received.  Termination results in completely deleting your record. Your username and email will be lost. Suspension generally lasts a month or so until the system administrators 'clean up' these accounts, meaning termination. There is no set period for such maintenance.

To reactivate a terminated account, you must apply for an account like you did originally, and you must repay the $15 Setup Fee (if applicable in your area).  To reactivate an account which has been suspended for more than 30-days (but not yet terminated), you must pay a $15 re-activation fee.

Customers who reactivate suspended accounts will ultimately pay for the period the account was suspended up to 30 days, even though you weren't able to access the account as an additional penalty for paying late. Customers who fail to pay for services rendered will be referred to a collection agency.

Returned Checks

Returned checks will result in instant account suspension. You will incur an additional $32 fee (in addition to any fees charged by your bank) to cover the bounced check costs; any and all returned checks will be referred to a collection agency. We may also require that you pay by credit card for future payments.  Any ACH returns will result in a $20 processing fee in addition to any service fees you may be charged by your bank.

KansasNet will NOT call and notify you of bounced checks.

Declined Credit Cards

KansasNet receives a variety of card authorization refusals. Most of the time we avoid card expiration date problems. If you believe your credit card is out of date, feel free to email billing@ with the new expiration date.

KansasNet will make 2 attempts by email to warn you about declined or canceled cards. There is generally a 1-7 day window for you to call and provide a new credit card before your account is suspended.

Reactivating your Account

KansasNet incurs significant costs for deactivating and reactivating accounts. Paying late or with bad credit cards costs us in a large variety of ways.

If your account has been suspended, you can contact us during regular hours to provide credit card information. Unless told otherwise, your credit card will be automatically billed after that point and we will not accept check payments from you in the future.

If your account has been terminated, you must reapply for your account as you did originally.


  • If your account is expired less than 30 days (which means the account is expired as of the first of the current month), you must pay the regular service rate to re-establish the account for that month.
  • If your account is expired between 30-60 days (which means the account is expired as of the first of the previous month), you must pay the full service rate for the previous month and the current month, however *IF* the account was used less than 20 hours the previous month (which must have occured in the previous month grace period window), you can pay only $10 for the previous month, plus the full service rate for the current month.
  • If your account is expired 60-90 days (which means the account is expired as of the first of the previous two months), you must pay the re-instatement fee $15.00 + prorate* for the current month.
  • If your account is expired 90+ days (which means the account is expired as of the first of the previous three months, or longer), you must sign-up as a new user and pay any applicable setup fees + prorate charges for the current month. Also, any emails in your old account inbox will be dumped and you will not have access to those emails. If you decide you want to access your old email, then you must pay a $15.00 re-instatement fee + any applicable setup fees + prorate* charges for the current month.

Generally, KansasNet customer support will inform you whether the account has been suspended or terminated. Sales and billing will be able to determine this as well.

Dial-Up Service Over-Usage Charges

In some areas, KansasNet dial-up service is offered as a "metered" service, providing [x] number of hours connected online per month for [y] dollars per month, where [x] and [y] are defined as part of your service agreement with KansasNet.  One hour connected online is defined as the end-users modem connected to KansasNet's modem for a total time of one hour.  At the end of each service activation period, remaining un-used dial-up hours are lost; un-used dial-up hours at the end of a service activation period are never transferred over into the next activation period.  At the beginning of each service activation period, the number of hours allocated to the end-user for connecting via dial-up to KansasNet during that activation period is reset to the number of hours determined by the end-user's service agreement with KansasNet.

In other areas, KansasNet dial-up service is offered as an "unmetered, interactive usage" service.  Please know what is meant by "unmetered" service or "unlimited" service by our definition. The meaning of the term unlimited is certainly unclear when used in reference to online services, because all such services have limitations. Knowledgeable Internet users often associate the term "unlimited" with frequent busy signals, or equate the term "unlimited" with a "dedicated connection", so we do not describe our dial-up service in any area as "unlimited". Instead of using the term "unlimited", we describe it service in some areas as an "umetered, interactive usage" service, where "interactive" is defined as while the end-user is at his or her computer, guiding its operation. This allows the end-user to use the service as much as needed (*see Exception below), and helps KansasNet prevent excessive consumption by inconsiderate users that remain dialed-up to KansasNet while not actively using the connection.

*Exception: KansasNet considers any dial-up connection which is established for more than 435 hours/mo. a "dedicated connection" and will be billed accordingly at $99/mo. [435 hours/mo. online averages to more than 14 hours/day]

End-users that have a service agreement with KansasNet for "metered" or "unmetered" dial-up service will be responsible for additional charges and fees associated with using more than the allocated number of hours defined in the end-user's service agreement with KansasNet, or by treating the dial-up connection as a "dedicated connection" as defined by KansasNet (see above).

For users with a 20 hour/mo. online service agreement:

  • Users exceeding the 20 hours/mo. limit by not more than an additional 180 hours in the same month (200 total hours/mo.) will be responsible for additional services charges of $1.50/hr. for each hour connected online over the initial 20 hour limit, or $10.00, whichever is less.
  • Users exceeding the 20 hours/mo. limit by more than 180 hours but less than 415 hours in the same month (more than 200 total hours/mo., but less than 435 total hours/mo.) will be responsible for additional service charges of $30.00.

    For users with a 200 hours/mo. online service agreement:
  • Users exceeding the 200 hours/mo. limit by not more than an additional 235 hours in the same month (435 total hours/mo.) will be responsible for additional service charges of $1.50/hr. for each hour connected online over the initial 200 hour limit, or $20.00, whichever is less.

    For all dial-up services, whether "metered" or "unmetered":
  • Users exceeding a total of 435 total hours connected online in any given month will be responsible for additional service charges, such that the total dial-up service fees paid for the month in question equals $99.00

    Disk Space Charges

    Customers can use up to 5 megabytes of disk space in the assigned personal web space on our web server for storing personal web pages, ftp sites, etc. at no additional charge.  If your average disk space usage on our personal web server over 30-days is more than 5 MB (mega-byte), then we will charge you an additional $5 for each additional 5MB (or up to 5MB) of disk space used per month.

    Customers can use up to 10 megabytes of disk space on our mail server for storing email.  If your average disk space usage on our mail server over 30-days is over 10MB (mega-byte), then we will charge you an additional $5 for each additional 5MB (or up to 5MB) of disk space used per month.  Generally, Unix users are most likely to incur this charge. SLIP/PPP customers could possibly accumulate a lot of email over time and fail to download it.

  • Last Updated on Wednesday, 30 March 2011 17:29
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