Green Christian School is committed to providing excellence in academics with a conservative, Bible-based orientation. Student instruction focuses on the basics: language arts, science, math, and social studies.
Green Christian School strives to use the highest quality curriculum available that is consistent with God’s Word. Our goal is an educationally excellent and thoroughly biblical curriculum. In addition, Green Christian School offers opportunities that include computer instruction, foreign language, visual art, music, and orchestra.
While high quality curriculum is important, the Bible that remains the constant priority at Green Christian School. The Bible and its principles are integrated into every academic discipline. A part of student life for all grades includes daily Bible classes, weekly memory verses, and chapel services.
Green Christian School selects curriculum based on the school’s mission, philosophy, and goals. For the most part, our curricula is from Christian publishers: A Beka and ACSI; however, we research available materials to determine what will best accomplish our goals. A Curriculum Committee authorized and approved by the Board makes curriculum decisions.