River Trip Equipment - Check List

"never let it be said that all was beautiful................before I came"



_____ Canoe/Kayak/Raft w/flotation-  (first things first)
_____ Spray Skirt (kayaks)
_____ Paddle/Oars (always include one extra paddle; breakdown paddles especially good for kayaks; rafts need one full set of extra oars)
_____ P.F.D. (Life jackets for each person, (1) extra may be required to meet Western Permit river regulations)
_____ Rescue bag (65' length minimum) and/or rope (one 50' length for tie down; longer ropes may be needed for Western rivers)

_____ Personal water bottle(plastic) & Lunch - for day trips; keep food in a water proof bag; Anti-septic hand cleaner is recommended                        before eating on most rivers to keep bacterial sickness at bay
_____ Bailer and/or pump (a half-gallon plastic jug with bottom cut out and a large sponge - especially good for kayaks)

_____ Paddling tops & bottoms or Dry-tops w/dry-bibs, or complete Dry-suits are VERY useful for cold water paddling trips
_____ Waterproof bags and containers - army ammo boxes work well too; Forget garbage bags - virtually useless for waterproo


_____ Helmet (should cover ears too; helmet liners are great preventative measures against hypothermia)
_____ Rescue gear - carabiners, pulley, saw, knowledge
_____ Water (minimum 1 gallon per day )
_____ Good First Aid kit, high energy snacks, emergency space blanket, saw - a single waterproof bag
_____ P.F.D. - w/ tow line is very handy for kayakers with proper skills and rescue knowledge
_____ 2-way radio w/waterproof housings - very handy in long scouts and group separation issues


_____ Tent, poles and stakes (as lightweight and compact as possible)
_____ Ground cloth (for the inside of a tent if you want to stay water-resistant); Air Mattress or Thermarest - very comfortable
_____ Water (1 gallon/day/person plus 3-5 gallons extra for washing); pumps are very handy for multiday trips; water purification systems also very useful)
_____ Sleeping bags - water proofing is critical here
_____ Flashlight (extra batteries); Headlamps have really become the thing to use.

_____ Portable table, folding chair, folding saw; charcoal & lighter
_____ Porta-Potti system - for Western multiday trips


_____ Tennis or canvas shoes, neoprene booties or sandals - essential for river use, save the tennies for camp
_____ Boots (if you plan to do some hiking)
_____ Rain Wear (tops and bottoms; trash bags for raingear are almost worthless)
_____ Hat (wide brim type preferred )
_____ Socks - wool or two sets of
_____ Long sleeve shirt & paddling jackets - polypropylene and nylon pile are the best fabrics; wool is OK - AVOID wearing cotton on the river to   help prevent hypothermia
_____ Long pants & paddling pants - polypropylene and nylon pile are the best fabrics; wool is OK - AVOID wearing cotton jeans on the river to     help prevent hypothermia
_____ Short sleeve shirt - save the cotton T-shirts for camp
_____ Shorts or cut-offs
_____ Swim suit
_____ Extra "undies"
_____ Sweatshirt or windbreaker
_____ Gloves (cool weather and protects tender hands)


_____ Toilet paper ! ! ! (several small zip locks, double bag, spread among rafts for multi-day trips)
_____ Toothbrush and paste
_____ Biodegradable soap
_____ Wash cloth and towel
_____ Hand lotion
_____ Knife (sheath knives longer than 6" are not practical; a Leatherman tool can be very handy)
_____ Personal toiletries, Personal Medications (Rx items); Spare glasses, copy of glasses & medical prescriptions
_____ Money/Credit card (you'll need this to buy those items on this list you forgot)


_____ Camp stove and fuel - propane systems are very handy for multi-day trips
_____ Cook kit, spatula, coffee pot
_____ Coffee/tea, cocoa, flour, sugar, salt, pepper, grease or Crisco
_____ Paper towels and dish sponge
_____ Food (plan your menu for each meal, including some high energy snacks for mid-afternoon, try to go fairly lightweight)
_____ Drink mix (no glass, bring plastic, paper or cans only)
_____ Trash sacks (for your own trash and what you pick up along the way)
Note: Avoid metal cups when hot fluids (coffee, cocoa, soups) are used, to prevent burned lips.


_____ Extra fuel for stove or lantern, spare lantern mantels
_____ Camera & film - waterproof & disposable cameras and handy
_____ Sunblock (SPF12 or greater), Lip-balm, Bag-balm, Insect repellant, Sunglasses
_____ Caving Gear, Compass, Binoculars, Extra matches, GPS, Guide book, river maps, a good book


(portable CD player, radio, bad attitude, glass containers, dogs that bark a lot, all whiners)

 A wise old river runner always has a complete change of clothes, including shoes, in the car for a dry return home.

(See the KANSAS PADDLER Home Page for the most current trip/event schedules) www.kansas.net/~tjhittle

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