AWA - River Info, Gauges, & Conditions
PHATEYE.COM - River Info, Gauges, & Conditions - try this neat color coded flow rating system
HINT: Under each lake, look for the "Daily Lake Information" links that tell you each lake's pool elevation and outflow in cfs.
USGS - Real Time Alabama Stream Flow
TVA Stream Flows
Alabama WW Club - River Gauging Page
Buffalo Outdoor Center & Ponca LW Bridge Air Space report
NOTE: For Novice Boaters to Arkansas Rivers/Creeks, here are some suggestions, provided by members of the Ozark Whitewater Page (OWP) listserv, for determining rough overall International Class Ratings (skill level ratings) of various rivers/creeks before loading boats and heading out for the river. You can use the Ozark Whitewater Page and Billy's Slick Ozark River Gauge Page for more detailed descriptions and maps:
Normal Water Levels / High Water Levels
[General rating given 1st w/ ( ) = high maximum rapid]
Buffalo River 1 (2) / 2+ (2+)
Mulberry River 2 (2) / 3 (3)
Big Piney Creek 2+ (3) / 3 (3)
Jack Creek 2+ (3) / 3+ (3+)
Hailstone Creek, aka Upper Buffalo River 3 (3) / 4 (4)
Falling Water Creek 3 (3+) / 4 (4)
Spirits Creek 3 (3+) / 3+ (4)
Cossatot River 3+ (4) / 4+ (5)
Richland Creek 4 (4) / 5 (5)
Baker Creek 4 (4) / 5 (5)
Osage Creek 4 (4) / 5 (5)
Beech Creek 4+ (4+) / (Not Recommended)
Arizona Rivers:
Colorado Dept. of Water Resources (DWR) - Streamflow & Lake Data
Middle Fork of the Salmon River - Links:
Salmon-Challis National Forest
Hydrograph for MF Lodge (translate cfs to gauge feet)
Current Weather in Stanley, ID
Selway River - Lin
USGS flows for the Selway River at Lowell, ID - Flow on the upper river will be roughly 1/5 to 1/3 what it is at the lower gauge. The reason: Multiple side creeks and tributaries add water to the river as you move downriver.
The following translation from the flows at the take-out to the foot gauge at the put-in is approximate:
37,800 cfs at Lowell = 10' at Paradise.
30,900 cfs at Lowell = 9' at Paradise.
26,400 cfs at Lowell = 8' at Paradise.
22,000 cfs at Lowell = 7' at Paradise.
20,000 cfs at Lowell = 6' at Paradise.
16,300 Lowell = 5' at Paradise
12,500 cfs at Lowell = 4' at Paradise
8,750 cfs at Lowell = 3' at Paradise
7,500 cfs at Lowell = 2.5' at Paradise
5,000 cfs at Lowell = 2' at Paradise
3,000 cfs at Lowell = 1.5' at Paradise
1,600 cfs at Lowell= 1.0' at Paradise
900 cfs at Lowell = 0.5' at Paradise
Current Weather in Hamilton, MT (close to the Selway River)
AW Page for the Selway River, ID - has lots of campsite
- good river description w/photos - Official USFS website - Official
Visitor Center website & has regional map - a shuttle company - good campsite & rapids
pictures - low water 2004 Selway
River trip pictures
Selway YouTube videos - nice low water Selway video - fly fishing trip - offset holes in
Ham Rapids - running Ladle
at high water - Wolf Rapids - Medium water run through Ladle
Missouri Creekin' - a great Missouri rivers & creeks site developed by - Chris Amelung
Chris Bell's Asheville Beta - newly revised link
[Go to the gauge above, Tulsa Wave (TW) is all about the release from Keystone Dam. There is no good way to predict releases or times. Normally, on the Keystone Lake gauge, the level has to be above 723 feet for regular releases. Most often, if it gets around 728 to 730 - they will release a lot and for an extended period. But, you never know. Some times no releases for months, then suddenly releases every day. The new hole comes alive a little below 12,000 cfs. There are no specs yet like they had for the old Tulsa Wave/hole, but time will give them. The action starts around 6k and gets better the more flow until it washes out at high flows.]
Here is the conversion from feet to cfs levels for the Tellico River:
1.9 = 305
2.0 = 330
2.2 = 403
2.5 = 526
2.7 = 618
3.0 = 770
3.5 = 998
4.0 = 1250
4.5 = 1515
5.0 = 1800
6.0 = 2400
7.0 = 3150
General Information on Paddling Events in West Virginia
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