Regional Trips / Events
...a service to all paddlers in the Midwest
River Code and Revised International Scale of Difficulty

KANSAS RIVERS [BY MAJOR WATERSHED] - Click above photo for
larger image
Original image by the Kansas Water Office
Paddling/Camping Tips:
Stacking the Deck in Your
Favor - Winter Paddling Tips (PDF file) - 13 KB, click here
For Float Trip Tips, click
For a River Trip
Equipment Check-List (HTML format), click here
New Improved
River Trip & Equipment List - 22KB PDF file
not sure if you should
tell the Trip Coordinator that you are a Beginner, Novice, Intermediate, or
Advanced Paddler?
you not sure if some of your interested trip members are Beginner, Novice,
Intermediate, or Advanced Paddlers?
Click here for the Kayak
Chapter's Whitewater
Paddle Skills Self-Classification - 17KB PDF file
Click here for the Kayak
Chapter's Flatwater
Paddle Skills Self-Classification - 17KB PDF file
Here is a
whitewater paddling self-rating system developed by John Kobak with the Keel
Haulers Canoe Club. Simply scroll down the
Haulers Canoe Club Home Page menu on the left to Self Rating
Trip Coordinator
Trip Coordinator Guidelines (PDF file)
Trip Participant Guidelines (PDF file)
Trip Emergency Guidelines (PDF file)
Trip Waiver & Release of Liability form (PDF file)
KCKA Internal Files:
KCKA Membership
Brochure (PDF format), click here
KCKA Membership
Form (HTML format), click here
KCKA Bylaws (in a .pdf
format), click here.
KCKA Trip Policy, click here
KCKA River/Lake Mileage Log (.pdf
file - 5 KB) - click here
Links to Commercial Trips:
Links to Other Kansas Based Trips:
General Trip / Event Policy:
1) The Non-Commercial Trips
& Events listed herein are cooperative adventures among
participants. The group is collectively responsible for the conduct of the event. Each
participant is individually responsible for judging one's own qualifications and
responsible for his / her own safety.
2) Trip Participants:
contact each event coordinator well ahead of the event to ensure the accuracy of the list while
answering any questions and/or concerns you may have. Some events require a
liability/waiver form which must be submitted well ahead of the actual event.
3) This
list in no way reflects the opinions or expertise of the Kansas Canoe Association,
its members, any
listed organization, or business entity.
4) The Trip Coordinator may refuse to allow a participant,
based on reasonable grounds, but the responsibility for judging one's own qualifications
lies solely with each individual trip member.
5) By participating in an event, you release
the referral club, its members, trip coordinator, and fellow participants from any
injuries due to any negligent act or omission or to any intentional act intended to
promote your well being. Click here for information on the
International Scale of Difficulty
6) Warning : The activities listed
below carry a risk of personal injury or death. Canoeing, Kayaking and other outdoor activities
can be inherently dangerous. We recommend that you not participate in these activities without first seeking qualified instruction and/or guidance, understanding the risks involved, and personally assuming all responsibility for those risks.
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