Cub Scout Pack  Manhattan, KS




Upcoming Events

Blue and Gold Banquet

Pinewood Derby










Welcome to Cub Scout Pack 273

2007 Camperall at Lake Wilson

Welcome to Cub Scout Pack 273!  We are chartered by Woodrow Wilson Elementary School in Manhattan, Kansas and are members of the Pawnee District of the Coronado Council of Kansas.   We offer a great program for boys in first through fifth grades. 

2007 Pinewood Derby 

 Each Cub Scout Pack is divided into Dens of six to ten boys. Dens are made up of boys in the same grade and age, so they can work together to earn the appropriate Rank. 

Most of the cub scouts in our Pack attend Woodrow Wilson and Seven Dolors Elementary Schools, but we welcome other boys in the area who are interested in joining Cub Scouting. We hope you enjoy this website and invite you to come and see just what cub scouting is all about. 

Fire Station Visit


2nd Year Webelos at 2007 Fall Camperall at Lake Wilson

Upcoming Events

The "Upcoming Events" section of our website features details like registration information and schedules for Pack 273 Cub Scout activities that every Cub Scout and family member will want to attend.  Events featured in this section include campouts, field trips, banquets, derby events and other fun Cub Scouting activities!  Some events are also district and council sponsored.  Be sure to visit this section of our website often for updates.


Purpose of Scouting
Since 1910, the Boy Scouts of America has helped younger boys appreciate the outdoors, learn how to work with others, make new friends and so much more. Cub Scouting is a year-round family program designed for boys who are in the first grade through fifth grade (or 7, 8, 9, and 10 years of age). Parents, leaders, and organizations work together to make Cub Scouting a prosperous program. Currently, Cub Scouting is the largest of the BSA's three membership divisions. (The others are Boy Scouting and Venturing.)






Coronado Council

Pawnee District


Cub Scout Promise

I, __________, promise to do my best, to do my duty to God and my country, To help other people, and To obey the law of the Pack.

The Law of the Pack

The Cub Scout follows Akela.

 The Cub Scout helps the Pack go. 

The Pack helps the Cub Scout grow. 

The Cub Scout gives goodwill.

Cub Scout Motto

Do your best.



This Web Site and its associated pages are the product of the WebMaster, 
who is a volunteer of Cub Scout Pack 273. 
This Web Site is maintained solely for educational and non-commercial purposes.
Any other use is strictly prohibited.  All rights reserved.

Contact the:

Last updated:12/30/2007

 Special thanks to Fox Business Systems & KansasNet Internet Services for providing us this spot in cyberspace.