Cub Scout Pack  Manhattan, KS




Upcoming Events

Blue and Gold Banquet

Pinewood Derby











Important Pack 273 Documents

2007-2008 Calendar at a Glance (Word Document)

Expense Documentation Form (Word Document)

Leader List - Current leaders for Pack 273 (Word Document)

Local Boy Scout Leader Contact List - for scouts and parents looking for a local Boy Scout troop (Word Document)

Woodrow Wilson Facility Usage Policy (Word Document)  

Sample Packing List (Word Document)

Pack Leader's Meeting Minutes





Coronado Council

Pawnee District


Cub Scout Promise

I, __________, promise to do my best, to do my duty to God and my country, To help other people, and To obey the law of the Pack.

The Law of the Pack

The Cub Scout follows Akela.

 The Cub Scout helps the Pack go. 

The Pack helps the Cub Scout grow. 

The Cub Scout gives goodwill.

Cub Scout Motto

Do your best.



This Web Site and its associated pages are the product of the WebMaster, 
who is a volunteer of Cub Scout Pack 273. 
This Web Site is maintained solely for educational and non-commercial purposes.
Any other use is strictly prohibited.  All rights reserved.

Contact the:

Last updated:12/30/2007

 Special thanks to Fox Business Systems & KansasNet Internet Services for providing us this spot in cyberspace.