Cub Scout Pack  Manhattan, KS




Upcoming Events

Blue and Gold Banquet

Pinewood Derby











Winter 2008 Newsletter 

Updated 02/18/2008

Pack 273 has a variety of Winter activities planned for the Cub Scouts and their families, including the Pawnee District Klondike Derby for Webelos as well as the Blue and Gold Banquet in February and the Pinewood Derby in March.   


Wolf Cub Scouts working on their ice skating belt loop January 10 , 2007


Pack T-Shirts are coming! Parents, please let your den leader know what size your son needs, keeping in mind how fast our boys are growing! 

February 2008

February 23 Scouting for Food Community Service Project

Scouting for Food Drive February 23 and March 1
Background:  In the Law of the Pack, a cub scout gives good will and in the Boy Scout Promise, a boy scout promises to help other people at all times. As an organization, the Boy Scouts of America are dedicated to giving back to their communities. Scouting for Food teaches youths the value of helping others.  Do a good turn daily, is the Scout slogan and to help other people at all times is one of the planks of the Scout Oath. By participating in the Scouting for Food program, scouts come a step closer to fulfilling those words. Across the country, in many councils and districts, thousands of troops and packs with millions of scouts involved collect tens of millions of pounds of food which is distributed to needy neighbors. 
Event Details:  Pack 273 will take part in Scouting for Food this year on February 23 and on March 1st.  The campaign is launched on February 23, when our Pack will distribute food donation bags in the Timbercreek and Eagles Landing neighborhoods.   We will meet at the Flint Hills Christian School parking lot at 9:30am and again at noon.  Cub Scouts will work together with their Akelas and Leaders.   Safety is always a key focus of Bag Distribution and Bag Collection Days. All Cub Scouts are given safety guidelines before each Saturday event, and the units are accompanied by their Cub Scout leader and parent volunteers.
Scouts will hang the food collection bags and Scouting for Food flyers on front door of each home. Do not knock, but if the resident is outside or greets you, explain the Scouting for Food program.  The Scouts return to residences on the following week (March 1), "Bag Collection Day," to retrieve the bags filled with donated non-perishable items.
BE PREPARED:  All Cub Scouts and leaders will wear their uniform properly for this event and dress accordingly for the weather.  Expect both the distribution and pick up events to last from 9:30am until Noon.  Our district goal is to collect 11,000 pounds of food and all donated food benefits the Flint Hills Bread Basket.  You can read more on the website Coronado District Website here:

February 23 Pack Wood Shop Day with Cubmaster Al Orona

12-5pm 1741 King's Road in Manhattan

Our Cubmaster, Al Orona, has graciously offered the pack the use of his shop tools for Pack Wood Shop Day February 23 from 12pm to 5 pm at Al’s home located at 1741 King’s Road on the west side of Manhattan.  You do not have to attend this wood shop day if you can do all the work at home or somewhere else.  

Thank you Al for offering your resources to the pack!  We have extra cars so let Al know if you need one.  


February 28 Blue & Gold Banquet- 6 PM.  

The Pack 273 Blue and Gold Banquet is one of the highlights of the program year. It is a family affair that brings the pack together in a way that regular pack meetings don't.   Celebrate with us as we honor our 2nd year Webelos as they are awarded the Arrow of Light and cross over from Cub Scouting into Boy Scouting.



March 2008

March 1 Scouting for Food Pickup (see above info on Feb 28 for Scouting for Food)  The Scouts return to residences on the following week (March 1), "Bag Collection Day," to retrieve the bags filled with donated non-perishable items.

March 6 Den Meeting / Pinewood Derby Check-in.  The Pinewood Derby is one of the most popular events in Cub Scouting. Every year more than a million boys and parents team up to carve, decorate,  weigh, adjust, fret over, and finally race a Pinewood Derby car.  Pack 273 is no exception!  Click on the Pinewood Derby link above for more information.

March 8 Pinewood Derby at Woodrow Wilson Elementary Noon 

March 13 Den Meeting

March 20 Den Meeting

March 22-23 Scout Riley Days
Fort Riley has "Scout Days" during the year that Cub Scout packs and Boy Scout troops can attend. The next event is March 22-23. More information can be found on the Council website at


March 27 Den Meeting

Upcoming Coronado Council Camping Events

Many Pack 273 Cub Scouts will tell you one of the reasons they joined Scouting was because they like to camp.  The Coronado Area Council offers a variety of summer outdoor programs to meet the interests of Cub Scouts, like camping, hiking, building craft projects, skits and songs, spending time with your friends and fellow Scouts, campfires, sailing in the sunset, etc.  Summer Camping Events for Cub Scouts include: 
Cub Scout Day Camp is held in late May to early June. The camps are one to four days in length. A great end of the school year activity, more info to be announced.
Cub Scout Adventure Camps are family camps that the entire family can attend.  Offered in the Spring and Fall, these are Saturday-Sunday and are held at Camp Brown and Camp Hansen. 
Fun with Son Camps are family campouts that the entire family can attend.  Offered once each summer at Camp Hansen and Camp Brown on a Saturday-Sunday
Cub Scout Resident Camp is a three-day, two-night camp held during the summer for Cub Scouts going into grades two and three that fall.  One camp each at Camp Brown and Camp Hansen.  Many programs offered, campfires and one cookout meal.
Take a look at what the Coronado Council has to offer and begin planning your summer campouts now.





Coronado Council

Pawnee District


Cub Scout Promise

I, __________, promise to do my best, to do my duty to God and my country, To help other people, and To obey the law of the Pack.

The Law of the Pack

The Cub Scout follows Akela.

 The Cub Scout helps the Pack go. 

The Pack helps the Cub Scout grow. 

The Cub Scout gives goodwill.

Cub Scout Motto

Do your best.



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who is a volunteer of Cub Scout Pack 273. 
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Last updated:02/18/2008

 Special thanks to Fox Business Systems & KansasNet Internet Services for providing us this spot in cyberspace.